
Nour Assili

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Welcome to my headquarters. I’m from Tunis, Tunisia. If you know Tataouin from Star Wars, it is a real place in my country. I studied Data Science at the University of Rochester and currently working on an AI startup for my Entrepreneurial Fifth Year program.
Previously, I was a software engineering intern at Rockefeller building AI & ML models for fraud detection. Simultaneously, I ran the Blockchain Acceleration Foundation, a nonprofit focused on blockchain adoption. Before that, I built products and improved user experience at Amalthea FS and Mos. Perpetually, I'm fascinated by the possibilities of technology for good, bad, and trivial. Here is my resume for more info.
Nour’s 2023 Wrapped
Nour’s 2024 Wrapped
Learning Log
Currently: Rochester, NY

What I am up to

Ethereum DevCon Scholar
Expand my technical skillset
Build and deploy full-stack applications
Participate in hackathons
  • Hacked at DevCon 2024: built a telegram mini app for cross-chain swaps
Learn Solidity and contribute to open-source Web3 projects

Current Status

Helping business owners speed up their work with AI agents Jutsu AI
Building ML models for the Rochester Fire Department to optimize emergency responses
Consensys Blockchain Developer Bootcamp (21%)
Senior Spring classes: Data Science Capstone, Synths, Samplers and Drum Machines, Philosophy of Art
8/8 Semesters Completed → started my fifth year at UR

What I have done so far

💻 Buit wesave.tn to promote and facilitate blood donation in North Africa
🎙 Featured in the Tour Documentary of Womenpreneur
📚 Received a full-ride scholarship to the University of Rochester
🏆 Outstanding Community Service Award from the US Dep. of State


Research & Dev / Founding Team, Jutsu
Software Engineer, Rockefeller
Software Engineer, Amalthea FS
Fellow, Outliers
User Experience Researcher, Mos.com

Let's Chat!
