
Nour Assili

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Welcome to my headquarters. I’m from Tunis, Tunisia. If you know Tataouin from Star Wars, it is a real place in my country. I am a senior at the University of Rochester, studying Data Science.
I am currently a software engineering intern at Rockefeller Capital Management building AI & ML models for fraud detection. Simultaneously, I run the Blockchain Acceleration Foundation, a nonprofit focused on blockchain adoption. Previously, I built products and improved user experience at Amalthea FS and Mos. Perpetually, I'm fascinated by the possibilities of technology for good, bad, and trivial.
Nour’s 2023 Wrapped
Nour’s Media
Currently: Rochester, NY

What I am up to

Expand my technical skillset
Build and deploy full-stack applications
Learn Solidity and contribute to open-source Web3 projects
Participate in hackathons
Scale blockchain education at BAF to reach 1M people

Current Status

Consensys Blockchain Developer Bootcamp (21%)
6/8 Semesters Completed
Senior Spring classes: Statistical Machine Learning, Intro to Artificial Intelligence, Narrative Theory, Intermediate Spanish
Organize BAF 2024 Meetups:
  • ETH Denver
  • FHE
  • Consensus
  • ETH Berlin

What I have done so far

💻 Buit wesave.tn to promote and facilitate blood donation in North Africa
🎙 Featured in the Tour Documentary of Womenpreneur
📚 Received a full-ride scholarship to the University of Rochester
🏆 Outstanding Community Service Award from the US Dep. of State


Software Engineering Intern, Amalthea FS
Fellow, Outliers
Software Engineering Intern, Human-Computer Interaction Lab at UR Fellow, Kernel
User Experience, Mos.com

Let's Chat!
